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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

FIn 573



Course Code

FIN 573

Course Title


Course Credit

3 hours

Prerequisite Course

FIN 521

Course Level

Elective Course

Course Description

This course introduces students to the world of asset management. Main topics covered are: portfolio performance measurement and evaluation, style analysis, behavior of professionals in the asset management industry, active and passive portfolio management, mutual funds and hedge funds, and offshore investment. Students will have the opportunity to manage portfolios and compete with their classmates.

Course Material

Name of the book

Reilly, F.K. and Brown, K.C., Investments Analysis and Portfolio Management, South-Western         Cengage Learning, Latest edition.

Reading Recommendation

Course Language


تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 12:51ص