BSBA major in MIS
Degree Name:
BSBA major in MIS
Program overview:
Management Information Systems [MIS] is one of the new departments in CBA College. It provides its students with the skills of designing, building, and managing the management information systems that support businesses. Department course plan has been designed to enable the graduates to do the following:
• Use the MIS tools and technologies in a practical and productive manner to accomplish their job duties.
• Study and evaluate the key management processes and procedures and re-engineer them in a more efficient manner.
• Analyse, design, and develop information systems that support operational and administrative activities of institutions.
• Analyse, design, and develop databases as the mainstay of the management information systems.
• Plan, coordinate, and manage projects of developing management information systems.
• Assist enterprises in designing and activating information security policies.
• Manage the development of E-Business web-applications.
Program Mission:
Provide distinctive education in MIS through the combination of theory, practice, and real-world experience to equip graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills to make them competitive in a digital environment. We also create a motivating work environment to engage faculty in innovative research and activities in ways that serve society.
Program Goals:
1. Broaden students' knowledge of theories and practices in the field of MIS.
2. Qualify students for various MIS roles, catering to both local and international workforce demands.
3. Develop students' research skills and prepare them for advanced studies in MIS.
4. Equip students with the ability to recognize, analyse, and address both technical and business challenges.
5. Enhance students' interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills.
6. Uphold high-quality standards in both teaching and learning.
Program Description:
Program Requirement:
The student must hold the general secondary certificate (i.e. High School Diploma) or any equivalent from inside or outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
GPA above 4.
Career Options:
The department program is designed to enable the graduates to fill a number of jobs including:
Information Systems Analyst
Information Systems Designer
Information Systems Consultant
Director of Information Center
Information Systems Project Manager
Director of Information Services
Database Administrator
Director of Information Security
Director and Developer of E-Business Applications