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Follow me

Activity name (Follow me)

Activity type: cultural, religious, awareness and social

Date:  7-8-9/1/1437 H

Place: at main lobby of business administration college

Number of beneficiaries:  1000

Number of people who work on that event:  50

Time: From 10 to 1

Goals of this event:

  1. Describing some aspects of prophet mohammed (peace be upon him ) life and arabs life before Islam
  2. Showing the importance of trustworthy,  graces around us and being kind to people around us as was recommended by the prophet.

The Activity details:

  1. (From darkness to light) knowledge rooms  that included information about the life of the Prophet peace be upon him the life of Arabs before Islam , the pre-Islamic rooms were covered in black where as the Islamic era rooms were cover in white.
  2. (should not I be a thankful slave) corner  was focusing in educating students how to be thankful toward blessings, including the gift of sight by making an excersie  with the students.   Also this corner consentrate on the other blessings like money, security safety and free education.
  3. (Man undertook it) corner it concentrates on the great status of trust and how the heavens and earth refused to carry it –being afraid -  whese as the human accepted  to undertake it. He was indeed unjust and foolish.  This corner mentioned some suggestions of how to be self-prepared for projects without cheating.
  4. ( (mercy to the worlds) corner apply the importance of compassion with whom were  recommended by the  Prophet peace be upon him, including children ,servants and  animals, also the corner displayed  innovative ways to provide food and water for the birds.

Activity Pictures:

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 12:51am